> Nehemiah
Nehemiah 1
Nehemiah fasts and prays for the Jews of Judea
Nehemiah 2
Nehemiah sent to rebuild Jerusalem
Nehemiah 3
Organization of the work of rebuilding the wall
Nehemiah 4
Enemy attack plan leads to new security measures
Nehemiah 5
Nehemiah deals with exploitation; Nehemiah's generosity
Nehemiah 6:1-7:3
Plot against Nehemiah; Completion of the wall
Nehemiah 7:4-73
Idea for a new census; List of the first return
Nehemiah 7:73-8:18
Ezra reads the law during the fall feasts
Nehemiah 9
National confession and repentance
Nehemiah 10
Covenant to obey God and support His house
Nehemiah 11
Residents of Jerusalem and outlying areas
Nehemiah 12:27-13:3
Dedication of the wall; Levitical duties; Separation from foreigners
Nehemiah 12:1-26
Listing of leaders of the priests and Levites
Nehemiah 13:4-31
Nehemiah's second-term reforms
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